Angela Spera, Laura Lane
Feb. 12, 2016 By Michael Florio
An Astoria comedy venue is hosting a show on Valentine’s Days that targets singles.
The show, “This is Why You’re Single,” will feature comedy skits about real-life dating disasters and living alone. It will be held at Q.E.D. (27-16 23rd Ave) on Sunday from 7:30 to 9 pm. Tickets are $5.
The show is based on a book penned by Laura Lane and Angela Spera, both professional comedy writers. The duo will be performing the skits.
Lane said the book looks at some of the reasons why people are single.
“It takes a look at dating and being single in the modern world,” she said. “It is a comedy and advice book all in one.”
Sunday’s show will be the first time the duo will have performed at Q.E.D.
Spera, who is from Astoria, is a fan of the venue and has wanted to do gig there, according to Lane.
It will also be their first time performing on Valentine’s Day, which Lane is looking forward to.
“It’s the perfect day to do our show,” she said.
“It will be something unique and different for people to do on Valentine’s Day,” she said. “Going to a restaurant can feel like a cliché.”
The book will be for sale at Q.E.D. and retails for $15.99. The two will be on hand after the show to autograph books and speak with those in the audience, Lane said.
“We will be here to talk to people and answer any dating questions they may have,” she said.