Sept. 3, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge
Speed bumps and signage will pop up on several Astoria blocks over the next couple of weeks as the Department of Transportation installs a new slow zone.
This slow zone stretches from 30th Avenue to Astoria Boulevard, and 21st Street to Steinway Street. It is one of several “neighborhood slow zones” that the DOT has been installing citywide since 2012.
The speed limit inside the slow zone is 20 mph. Installation has begun on 14 new speed bumps and 20 “gateway” signs. The “gateway” signs indicate the start of the slow zone and are being installed at its boundaries.
Eight speed bumps already exist within this area.
Per the agency’s website, the DOT selects slow zone locations based on crash history, proximity to schools and community support, among other criteria.
Community Board 1 approved the slow zone plan in June.
Councilman Costa Constantinides joined DOT officials Thursday morning at a freshly-installed speed bump on 37th Street between 28th Avenue and Astoria Boulevard.
Constantinides said that “the number one issue” that constituents have raised regarding traffic safety in this region has been speeding to or from the Grand Central Parkway.
“We want to make sure that people feel safe as they’re crossing the streets in their communities, and they don’t feel that they’re part of a highway system,” he said.
The 14 speed bumps will be installed over the course of the next couple of weeks, followed by the gateway signage and 20 mph pavement markings.
DOT Queens Borough Commissioner Nicole Garcia said that the full slow zone installation should be finished by early October.

Well thanks for that little map. Now I know where I will NOT be driving.
Who comes up with these ideas??? That area is the most congested in all of Astoria.You lower the speed limit there and the noise(car horns) and accidents will only be on the rise.Leave everything as is and find a hobby other than destroying Astoria
I cant stand speed bumps they make so much noise from cars that pass them beyond the suggested speed limit! At night is it a lot worse!
I agree with you. I find the speed bumps to be such an annoyance and i don’t think they’re very effective.
People speed around the smaller streets because the major streets are congested. One suggestion I would have is to remove all street parking on Astoria Blvd. My second suggestion. Auto repair shops can not park the vehicles they are working on the street and sidewalks.
I like your suggestions
You are talking about a different era. This slow zone is a reflection of the changing times and dangers in our neighborhood! It is 2015!
With Laguardia airport expanding and the increase in traffic, more speed cameras would be a good thing!!
These transplants are ruining everything. It is a native Astorians birthright to die in a motorbike accident at age 22, and be memorialized forever in a decal on the back window of an Escalade. Leave our neighborhood alone
How about a no brainer…..why are the traffic lights not synchronized? That would eleviate congestion and pollution. Cameras…. survailance…????.i guess we should all have implants to monitor our movements. Stop …. get a life enjoy the neighborhood….how about common sense..although not to common…simple courtesy and understanding amongst fellow citizens. I have lived here since 1962….never until recently have i heard of these issues. The politicians got you by your b…..s if you have any, and are feeding on your insecurities.
Transplants have no clue. I am living here since 1962….never had these issues. People must learn how to ride a bike. Pedestrians need to cross at the green and not in between. Oh… and for all the new-bees look both ways before you cross!!!! Traffic cameras??? why don’t we all have implants so as to better monitor our every move. RE: street traffic… why are traffic lights not synchronized ?
I hope this will expand to other areas of Astoria. They added more traffic lights throughout Astoria but drivers just speed to beat the stop lights. I am tired of it! We need speed cameras! Please people we need to band together and write to our officials! Also, lets make shore blvd car free!
Maybe we can start enforcing no double parking .
PLEASE PLEASE have a speed bump on 42nd street between 25th and 28th avenue! Cars speed up to get to the green light! ITS A VERY DANGEROUS STREET!
Thank you
Also multiple speed bumps and cameras on traffic lights on Crescent st. From 30th avenue all the way to 39th avenue would be great. Some drivers think Crescent st. is Francis Lewis Blvd.
This is amazing! I got hit by a car trying to parallel park swiftly/without signal on 30th Av/Newtown in July while on bicycle. The included area above, arguably even a bit wider, is one of the worst chunks of street to be biking on in our hood. SO glad to see this happen!
Parallel parking a bike!@!@##$%^&^*? Sell the bike start walking ! Then again try roller skates..not roller blades.
“Per the agency’s website, the DOT selects slow zone locations based on crash history, proximity to schools and community support, among other criteria.” If proximity to schools is one of the criteria, wouldn’t it have been in everyone’s interest if the speed bumps were installed before school starts next week? Schools have been closed since the end of June and this is when they plan on installing these speed bumps?
Better late than never…