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Astoria House Sells For Record High Price: Realtor


Feb. 8, 2016 By Michael Florio

A two-family house on 21st Avenue just broke records with a $2 million sale, according to a local real estate firm.

The house, located at 48-07 21st Ave., sold for $2 million on Feb. 1, according to NY Space Finders realtor Luca DiCiero, who closed the deal.

The sale is an Astoria record for a two-family house without buildable rights, DiCiero said.

“This property can only be a two-family house, it cannot be developed,” he explained.

In past years, two-family houses have sold in Astoria at prices ranging from $1.2 million to $1.4 million, but none approached $2 million, according to NY Space Finders.

The house, which is roughly four years old, is equipped with the latest amenities. The ground floor and basement living space have a home theater with a 110-inch screen and surround sound, a custom bar and poker table. The second floor, which serves as a three-bedroom apartment, comes with stainless steel appliances and stone counter tops in the kitchen.

Other house features include a two-car garage, large windows and a freestanding Jacuzzi tub .

DiCicero said he believes this record sale marks a change in the real estate landscape in Astoria going forward.

“I think the prices are going to continue to be on the rise,” he said. “Today this number is a record but I think it will one day be the norm.”

“People appreciated the quality of the neighborhood and all it has to offer,” he added.

He also expects more houses to have these high-end amenities installed before they hit he market.

“Years ago an amenity was a dish washer,” he said. “Now you need everything to be state of the art to be competitive.”

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Sheep ba ba Say hello to your new overlords serfs. NYC Rich( Nobles,,Patricians) Rest of your Plebs and slaves.


Who cares what the house sold for. One should only care about oneself when it comes to such matters. If half the people on this blog would just work hard and not be pissed at society they would be better served. I hope the person who bought this house enjoys continued success. I’m sure they worked hard to earn there money. Stop listening to the democrats, they are surprising the working class into dependence on govt.


Realtor’s and some maps call this area Astoria Heights..Today it is different and better than the rest of Astoria making it hot property. Away from the mess the rest of Astoria has turned into only good for rental profits.


You can find something cheaper in neighboring Jackson Heights, Elmhurst and Woodside. But you will not find the same atmosphere. You get what you pay for.


This is a good price compared to the amount of money other homes are going for and the amount you have to pay to upgrade an older home with city permits. Ask a contractor it is very expensive to upgrade.


today, the rest of Astoria sucks compared to upper ditmars if you want peace. The people who got kicked out or wanted to get away from the high rents and crap on broadway and 30 avenue came to Ditmars. Now lower Ditmars looks just as bad as those major avenues but less exclusive.


The new trend for families is to be away from it all. Years ago, being closer to trains and shopping was a must for families. Today, those areas are better to rent out. It is wise to buy in Astoria Heights.


You no like no buy. i like i buy. no you problem. you homoless i no care. close homeless shelter and i buy east elmhurt. you trump hate!


I live by ditmars and between 31 street and steinway. I have to agree with some posts that the place where this home was sold is a better area for those that want to buy and raise a family. My area is now so loud, crowded and dirty. Weekends are the worst and full of cars and loud pedestrians. I am looking into selling my place and buying a home in upper ditmars. I might as will do it now before those home values increase even more.


Upper ditmars is a great neighborhood and better than the rest of Astoria. Low foot and car traffic, less noise, cleaner, and more unified.


The basement Apt was our first home back in 1961 When we got married lived there for about 5 year . Born and Raised in Astoria great place to grow up, went to PS 122 and Long island City high school. Those were the days.

Dont worry

Me & my family have lived in Astoria since forever & actually own the house we live in which just so happens to be around the block from this one , its an amazing neighborhood & original listing price for the home was 5 million which realistically was not happening what so ever but the people who have purchased this house are getting exactly what they payed for , you have to see the pictures of the inside of the home to understand why it sold for this much.


I cannot understand how this neighborhood with so much dirt and noise and pollution get worth it buy a house spending 2million and no get this money and go to Europe to a nice clean town and you raise your family and live like a king from staying slave to a piece of crop house in Astoria !!!


For all your haters….try hard work and less complaining. It actually pays off.. I guess the people complaining are sanders supporters. I love it. Keep counting other people’s money while others are counting there own money. Hard work PAYS OFF. Complaining gets you a welfare check. Work damn it. Work


Hate to break it to you, Trump fan, but there are MINORITIES that live in Astoria! Oh the horror! Run away screaming back to middle America, your guns and religion will protect you.


All of the transplants moving to NY are taking the jobs. I was on LinkedIn the other day and it was 800 applicants for one job!


You can’t say it was taken if it was never yours to begin with. People move to find work , which is a trend that started when work was invented.

Harry Ballsagna

Kevin sounds like a simple minded loser with limited critical thinking skills.


I think that’s great ! If they have the money and are willing to spend it in Astoria, I think that’s great!!! I saw an episode of house hunters and a couple bought a run down house with a hole in the ceiling for close to a million…Astoria has been and I fee will continue to be a very coveted place to live, and hooray for us who put our blood sweat and tears into our homes over the years to keep the neighborhood clean and maintain all the upkeep it takes to keep a home looking good. And the new park they are putting on 48th street is going to be beautiful! As long as Manhattan is a train fare away Astoria is the place to be. I love it, I grew up here and always fled to the city for action, now it’s right here in my backyard ; and occasionally you get to eat in a restaurant with a celebrity. And don’t forget LIC with its theatre and museums… Keep growing Astoria and those who have money to make it better , welcome home!!!!


If you build any higher in this neighborhood you would have a great view of Rickers island, the sewer plant and the constant planes flying overhead to/from LaGuradia Airport. If the old factories are ever sold well then you can say goodbye to the peace. Nowadays, homeowners have little say in what community boards and the city want to happen to benefit the majority. The city has put so much money aside for affordable housing and rent subsidies, someone is bound to change that area in a couple of years.


Actually upper ditmars doesn’t have any planes fly overhead. Planes to laguardia fly before astoria blvd starts


We took care of our neighborhood and propert for years , it’s clean and well kept… And with the new park going down the block it makes it even more desirable. I used to sell real estate back in the 80’s and everyone who couldn’t live in Manhattan moved to Astoria , I was always busy … That’s a good thing for us natives with property here , our parents worked hard nothing was given to them so I’m glad they are being rewarded for all their hard work. I recently saw an episode of house hunters, a couple bought a run down house for close to one million with a huge hole in the living room ceiling for close to a million, if people have the money let them spend it here in our Astoria , why wouldn’t we want them to. It only increases the value of our property and keeps the neighborhood shining ✨??


Of Course! Upper Ditmars is an exclusive area and it will continue to be. It is quiet, well-kept, safer and away from all the crap taking place in the lower ditmars area such as noise, restrauant/bar scene, loud MTA and amtrack, Con Ed, over crowding, constant traffic and numerous loud churches and mosques. Even Astoria Park is turning into a circus.


Compared to the rest of Astoria and nearby areas (jackson heights, elmhurst, woodside) the pros out weigh the cons and home sales will continue to sky rocket. One can actually still live here and raise a family. You can be close to everything but not have at the drawbacks of city life in front of your doorstep.


Compared to the rest of Astoria and nearby towns this neighborhoods home sales will continue to sky rocket. The pros out weigh-way the cons. We are close to everything but a lot of the cons of city life are not at our doorstep.


Gimme a $2 million dollar home in Miami or some place by the ocean like Pescadero or Pismo beach California anytime!!


Miami is one of the biggest crime cities on the fbi list. Always ranks one of the top 10 worst cities to raise a family. Drugs theft and violent crime are all over. Yea the sunny beaches look great while we suffer most winter , but the 115 degrees with humidity and rain all.spring summer and fall are rough for many.


Upper Ditmars is an exclusive area and will continue to be compared to what is happening with the rest of Astoria. It is a great financial investment. It caters to people who actually want to live here and not necessarily buy a home to rent out and add other stories. This makes the area well kept, quiet and safer. In the last couple of years I noticed that the homes in this area sold for more compared to other homes of the same size. This will continue especially with the over crowding, noise, restaurant/bar scene, and traffic (car pollution.trains.amtrack) taking place on lower ditmars


Brick and mortar. In 5 years it will be 3 million. God bless the buyers. If they are from out of town, they will love the neighborhood.

Never Left Astoria

The seller probably never lived in the house. They probably bought, developed and flipped it. Today, that’s called progress – no regard for a “neighborhood”. Just show me the money attitude.


Let’s not sugarcoat the good old days. I remember Astoria back in the 60’s and 70’s.It was infested with drugs with many people I knew who either ruined their life or dropped dead from overdose.


Let’s not sugar coat the good old days I remember Astoria back in the 60’s and 70’s. It was infested with drugs with many people I knew dying of overdoses.


The “yuppies” are not the ones buying! They mostly rent the crap sized apartments middle aged and old homeowners are renting out.


For the amount the home sold for, the potential in rents and the taxes on it…it is a great investment. Many financial well off families like Astoria but do not like the noise, business establishments and traffic. Upper Ditmars is quiet and well-kept. If it stays as it is and continues to stay 1 – 2 story homes I think it has the potential to one day become one of the most exclusive and expensive parts of Astoria compared to other homes the same size. It caters to buyers with children that may want to live here and not necessarily buy for renting.


That area is very nice but there is always such a harsh smell in the spring and summer especially on humid days coming from the nearby Sewer Plant. I hope the home comes with an indoor air cleaner and i wonder if the new owners are aware of this lol.


Ricky you couldn’t have expressed your post any better. Astoria is no longer what it use to be. It’s now one building after another being built, rents are not affordable and it has become so congested.


This is just a bubble, and once the Tye bubble bursts, everyone will running for the foreclosures that will follow through!!!


We had the biggest recession in the last 80 yrs and nothing has dropped I’m astoria. The demand is still bigger than ever , so no reason for it to drop. Nothing dropped in Williamsburg or park slope and astoria is pretty much heading on the same level. If you don’t like it , that’s one thing , but if you think people made a made deal , I would say it’s not entirely true..obviously the people who paid can afford it and as long as they hold on to it , they will eventually make their money back


Sorry to burst your bubble but the real estate bubble already burst several years back. Long Island was heavily hit by the after affects as value in houses dropped to half but it had little to know effect in Astoria.

Luz Milagros

This is absurd! My mother-in-law has a beautiful house in PA with 3 acres of land and her realtor is telling her to bring the price down from 235G. This house probably has a bandaid backyard. I don’t understand this nor will I ever. There are only luxury apartments or condos being built in Astoria and ridiculously huge multilevel homes while the city opens more homeless shelters in the neighborhood. What happened to housing for the working man or woman? This house is actually not too far away away from the homeless shelter. What irony! Once one house sells for such a perverse amount all the Realtors in the neighborhood start salivating thinking they can sell others for more. And so it begins.


There is no demand to live in the woods or in PA , if there was the prices wouldn’t be what they are. Not saying it’s not nice and different strokes for different folks , but again , it’s all supply and demand. Endless kids finishing school come to NYC to get jobs in top firms. What kind of career is someone gonna have living in the sticks?

Astoria Guy

It’s true that having money and intelligence does not go hand in hand. Hence this fucking idiot that paid $2 million for a house in Queens. Good job buddy.


That is the hottest property in Astoria IMO. Made for a magazine. I am surprised it sold for that LOW of a price. It is a 2 family and each can rent for $3000+ easily. If it wasn’t for the complete renovation it would’ve sold for maybe half.

steve W.

This house is NOT brand new. It was redone a few years ago. The old house is still under it’s facade.

The real estate industry in the city is beyond corrupt and out of control and this article proves it. Get your facts straight, please. You can fool an out of towner into spending 2 million for this crap, but you CAN’T fool a native New Yorker!


Yes indeed, out of towners are fooled. Grew up in the heart of Astoria and now live in Nassau County. Tons of these ‘new’ houses have been rehabbed. If you grew up here you can see the similarities in structure to the houses just behind St John’s Prep on Ditmars Blvd.

Someone Who Knows

The house is brand new construction, check the permits. The original house was completely demolished and a 100% new foundation was poured. People should check there facts before they open there mouth.


This house is new construction meaning it was totally rebuilt. Maybe the original structure is still there but that doesn’t mean everything else isnt new. Also plenty of New yorkers born here end up buying here and spending top dollar


“New construction” is not the same thing as “rebuilt”. You may like to imagine that it’s all new, but it’s not. There are different construction permits needed for each situation.


This part of Astoria still is a very nice, family oriented, quiet area away from the crowds, restaurants, and busy shops. However, I do not know what the future holds for this area with all those old factories and buildings on 20th Ave (1 block away). Many of them look unused and I think it is a matter of time before they are sold to some developer or the city to build affordable housing. Oh yea, the homeless shelter is also a couple of blocks away lol.


No one is going to invest in building real affordable housing there. If a decipher buys the labs they will be developed under the $2000 per one bedroom “affordable” definition. The factories are such a dump and I’ll be glad for them to go.


Luxury apartments are the new affordable housing/protects of our time. The city has set so much money aside for rent subsidies/vouchers. Basically, the homeless and the poor will be your neighbors.


Please. ..born & raised in Astoria, 3rd generation, totally bought my own house here and renovated it.


YAY~ please read MY comments above yours a few … ME TOO! Born and raised in ASTORIA General Hospital .. grade school PS5 and JHS 126 and then LIC HS! YAY! Good people!

Rick bario

I bet they are not from Astoria , or only the rich can afford to buy.
People that r born in astoria can’t afford to buy or rent in their own neighborhood… … Astoria is not Astoria anymore. People out of state or people from Manhattan are taking over….
How does it feel , they took from the native Americans now the rich will take from the little people of Astoria… corporate is taking over,they won’t stop…

Dont worry

My family & i actually live around the block from this house & have lived in Astoria our whole lives we also own the house we live in so before you speak for ALL of Astoria know the facts.


You do realize that if these expensive homes and rents suddenly reversed itself Astoria could quickly turn into one giant crime ridden ghetto trash dump right? Astoria has always been expensive compared to other nearby areas of Queens. We should thank most of the people willing to buy/rent and settle here.


Astoria was NEVER expensive when I was born and grew up there 65years ago! It was a delightful area .. TV show ARCHIE BUNKER depicts it perfectly! Row houses and high rise apartments .. MELTING POT of MANY cultures each within a few blocks of one another! Catholics/Irish/Italians next to Jews/ Greeks/ Scandinavians/ plus some blacks & Hispanics near the housing projects (poor sections) near the Astoria Park area.

I don’t remember much else about it after being gone for so MANY years .. but it certainly was an OK place to grow up in!

Bet you didn’t know that actors like PATTY DUKE and GEORGE MAHARIS grew up right there near my old grade school, PS 5, Queens. on the other side of the ‘L’ train station & greek church!? YEP!


PPS BTW we were also VERY poor people! Our apartment was about $50.00 monthly rent … but now still standing .. selling condos for OVER half million $ or renting them for over $2500.00 month! Same LOW RENT apartments we actually LIVED in back in 1950-60! Can’t believe it but is true!


My entire family aunts uncles cousins mom dad all.moved here from Europe and all bought houses in the late 60s and early 70s. Prices def weren’t expensive if u look at that money now but back then 40k 60k 80k was a ton of money. Obviously no one knew the prices would escalate like this. Not even real estate pros. Today it’s all supply and demand, with so many more people around and moving in , prices have gone thru the roof being astoria is more desirable than ever


The days when our grandfathers or dads could support an entire family is over. It is 2016 and now most households need two working parents. This is happening all over the country not only Astoria.


You mean like the landlords who kicked out businesses because they’re chasing larger rent checks and then can’t get a new tenant, so the storefront stays empty? Like where Lanzee was on Broadway? Still empty, no tenant.


A lot of people raised in Astoria moved out and started families elsewhere. Young adults were very few a couple of years ago. However, many kept their homes and now rent them out to the younger working generation. Work smart not hard.


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