Jan. 2, 2017 By Christian Murray
A long-time Astoria night club has closed after being in business for almost 18 years.
Cavo, located at 42-18 31st Avenue, shut its doors permanently Sunday after hosting its New Year’s bash that it promoted as ‘The Last Dance.”
The club historically attracted people in their 20s and 30s of all different backgrounds. “We targeted everyone and it was a little bit like the United Nations,” said Dino Philippou, a co-owner and Astoria native.
The club’s lease had come to an end and the owners decided not to renew it, claiming that rents were rising and that there were signs the business was about to slow down.
Philippou said it was a shame that they closed but he felt the timing was right.
“The nightlife business has changed,” Philippou said.
“People have more gadgets and can listen to music at home and start conversations with someone on a phone,” Philippou said. “A date can start with a conversation on a phone. There are lots of apps.”
The club had a restaurant arm serving modern Greek cuisine for many years. It operated the restaurant through July 2015.
With the closing of Cavo, Philippou said he plans to start a new business. He said it is most likely going to be an Astoria-based eatery.
Does anyone know what company is leasing this company or further information if possible?
One of the best places around and running for 18 yrs is not easy. Great accomplishment guys food luck in the future whatever you do
A continued success for 18 years is an indication of “well” managed establishment.
It was a great place I was there when it opens I know all the owners and everything comes to an end really sad
Another Hi – Rise ???
I miss papaGallos from back in the day!
I miss DNA club.
Yes there are apps for meeting people and chatting but people do see one another and go out eventually, right?
Very classy, professional and trendy hot spot in Astoria for 18 years. I remember when it opened in 1999 and watched it grow into what it was recently. Honored to have met the owners and witness how humble they are and what they did for the community. Congratulations and best of luck in your future endeavors.
Another of the legendary clubs closes… its a sad day for Astoria and the community CAVO was connected to…best of luck to the upcoming adventures!! You will be missed!!
Only Central, and Caprice are left of the original Greek dance clubs now 🙁
Place will be missed I had many great times and memories there. Not only was it old Astoria but residents from surrounding Woodside/Jackson Heights would be there as well as out of towners. I agree with Dino the timing is right. Wish them all the best.
We are so sad to see it go but it has left us all with great memories, of fun filled nights with great music and food. Thank you for sharing this place with us for so many years and best of luck in all your future endeavors. I’m sure we will all be part of making new memories with you again.
Being in business for 18 years is a great accomplishment. Cavo is knkw. By everyone it was always the place to go. Dress code and a great crowd. Always switched the music up and professionally operated.
I wish you all the best of luck in your upcoming ventures.
Everyone knows Cavo. It was the place to be in Astoria. Always professional always switched up the music. True professionals in my book.
I wish the owners continued success.
The place had the best outdoor seating area. Food was good. The belly dancing though….Did not expect that when I took my 70yo Father out to dinner.
It use to be such a good place my boyfriend now husband bumped into each other there and started dating ?
Wow I’m sad now! One of the best places in Astoria.
Hey maaaan ,you gotta go, you gotta go, the 70s are over maaaaan
That place was over priced but it was old Astoria which is becoming a memory due to gentrification 🙁 this is a loss for natives
I remember when they were charging $10./glass of red wine and that was back in 2006!
It’s quite an accomplishment to stay in business for 18 years and they were a staple in the Astoria community. Unfortunately, I also remember when they were charging $10./glass of red wine and that was back in 2006…..That was it for me, there were just too many other options at that point!
Such a shame. At one time some of the best-looking people in Astoria could be found there.
I was under the impression that there were no “best-looking” people in Astoria. LOL
Over priced but the place was very nice and a loss for the old Astoria feel 🙁
For many, many years before it became “Cavo” this was the meeting hall of Lincoln Council No. 312, Knights of Columbus, which also owned the attached two story building right on the Six Corners.
What year did the knights leave, my family use to have many parties there. I could never understand why they sold it…
Every owner has an excuse. How about the fact that you can spend $1k at Cavo and be treated like crap. Maybe that’s why people stopped coming. Just a thought.
It’s the same ownership of MexiBBQ. These guys are known for mismanagement
These guys sold the studio square building for over $10M profit.
Unless they squandered that then the partners should be set for life
They still operate studio square as well
Mismanagement is selling a business for 10 mil plus profit and having another business for 18 years? *shrug*
You must know this information first hand, did you work there? All the information that you posted is actually pretty impressive. 10 million dollar profit, still operating a business they sold ( for 10 million dollars) , owning one in Cavo for 18 years, hand the guy owns Mexi BBQ??? The guy sounds like a successful entrepreneur, pretty much a financial genius. How does this sum up to mismanagement? The lease was up, the landlord asked for more rent and the guy was smart enough to pull out and restructure somewhere else.
MexiBBQ also just closed
Cavo closing at the same time is not just a coincidence
It’s actually not one guy but a group
I’ve met them. Know people who know them all
Not the most savvy of business people.
Also, before MexiBBQ they had a restaurant in that space which failed only 12 months after opening
Poor management.
They also owned what was in the location of ‘that’s a wrap’ before changing it to the current restaurant. It’s much better now than before
I never said business.
They sold the buildings
Emmes management was smart enough to get a 15 year ( or more) lease from WeWork in there and then sold the building again