March 4, 2016 Staff Report
The Astoria Bank at 37-16 30th Ave. was robbed Friday afternoon, according to police.
An officer present at the scene said that the robbery took place around 2 p.m.
However, she said she could not provide further information about how much was stolen or how the robbery occurred.
Police left the scene around 4:15 p.m., and the bank remains closed as of this writing.
A bank manager said she was not authorized to speak about the robbery. She directed the Astoria Post to Astoria Bank’s corporate office, which did not immediately respond to messages.

It sounds like a inside job to me …. What do you think ??? Some people do anything for money …..
The mid-west transplants have brought this anonymous resident vibe which has destroyed this neighborhood and made it more like Manhattan.
Can you use the ATM?
Not much info from the bank…Perhaps it was a misunderstanding.
Where is the surveillance video? I hope they do not release it two weeks later like they usually do.
They showed it on ABC News and got a good close up of the thief. They said several Queens banks have been targeted in the last month. Hopefully they will catch this crook soon!
Thanks i did not know. I hope they catch him.
Customer Service and Tellers have always treated me and my family well during all the years we are banking there. I’m glad no one physically got hurt. The bank was open that evening. Kudos to the workers to have gone through such an experience, and to have been able to return to service their customers afterwards.
Our neighborhood has gone to shit!! All these crazy morons that the landlords let in and don’t do background checks on, my whole life leaving in this neighborhood and I never have seen all these damn shootouts or damn robberies the way they are accurring these days…ITS A DAMN SHAME.
I doubt those working hard to pay the high rents and taxes are the ones robbing banks in Astoria.
Well it looks like one of those people who works hard and pays taxes that can’t pay the rent that robbed the bank…You’re a person that probably just moved into this neighborhood that really doesn’t cherish it, cause people that are from here do cherish and do remember the way it was…Now we don’t know who our neighbors are cause they move in and out cause they can’t afford the rent…Ty for your comment by the way.
Jay, the high renters are the ones making astoria more desirable. Dont pull that Christopher Columbus sh*t you son of a c*nt.
Yeah you’re speaking the truth.
Yeah it’s the high rents that make Astoria desirable..Your dumb..Astoria was desirable without the high rents..I will give you one of my ships you d**k and go back where you came from..Thanks
What are you 13 years old? What kind of way is that to respond?
Jay is probably middle aged and still living in his parents basement. Using the internet and this blog to make up for his shallow involvement in the world.
No I have bought my own house here in Astoria, so I don’t worry about my situation you should worry about your own.
Actually Jay hit it on the Head….Smart Man..The guy who was caught
lived in my building and had alot of issues paying the rent,,,,So Danny STFU
and wake up
What do landlords and renters in the area have to do with a bank robbery? The article is not discussing some rent dispute or a tax lien in Astoria. Sounds like Trump and Bernie have created all this false, delusional, idiotic blame pointing.
Why do robberies happen? Cause they can’t afford to live here or feed there families or they are just plain stupid…It does play a roll everything for a human to go rob a place or bodega stores..Trump probably is crazy but he’s the only one who speaks the truth thru his teeth rather throwing some fairy tale dust in your face to make everything seem fine like all the other politicians…WAKE UP!!
Trump is probably the only one who speaks his mind and says it as is, rather being a puppet like all the other candidates..Wake up and stop living in the fantasy land you live in…Trump is the only one who has the /$&&/ to say it.
-How do you know this guy lives in the neighborhood? He is suspected of a bank robbery in Bayside as well.. Do bank robbers normally rob banks in the very neighborhood they live in?
That’s not the point I’m trying to make WHAT..I’m saying that people in desperation can not pay there rents cause they lost there jobs and so the next thing is it leads them to do stupid stuff that’s all cause the rents have sky rocketed..That’s all
I think you’re a bit delusional. I’ve lived in Astoria 40 years and its never been safer and cleaner than it is today.
check the westway . also check popeye’s and kfc .
Astoria is surrounded by homeless shelters in LIC and East Elmhurst. More are to come.
wow. hide your racism a little more.
that branch sucks anyway
thats no reason to rob the bank..
Customer Service and Tellers have all been great to me and my family in all the years we are banking there. I’m glad no one was injured physically. They were open that evening. Kudos to the workers to have gone through such an experience and to be able to carry on servicing their customers soon afterwards.
Oh My!!
Wow, that’s sad, glad no one was hurt.