Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Ocasiocortez.com)
June 23, 2020 Staff Report
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who stunned the political world in 2018 when she was elected to represent the 14th Congressional District, has shown the establishment today that her victory two years ago was no aberration.
Ocasio-Cortez, with nearly 75 percent of the scanners reported, has a significant lead over her challengers Michelle Caruso-Cabrera and Badrun Khan. The incumbent had 73 percent of the votes cast, with Caruso-Cabrera 20 percent and Badrun Khan 5 percent.
The official results will not be known for days, since an unprecedented number of absentee votes have yet to be counted and they won’t be counted until June 30. Tonight’s unofficial results are gathered from in-person ballots cast Tuesday and during early voting.
Ocasio-Cortez had a point to prove and she campaigned hard. She issued a tweet at 10:33 p.m. as it become clear her lead was unassailable.
When I won in 2018, many dismissed our victory as a “fluke.”
Our win was treated as an aberration, or bc my opponent “didn’t try.”
So from the start, tonight’s race was important to me.
Tonight we are proving that the people’s movement in NY isn’t an accident. It‘s a mandate.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 24, 2020
The campaign at times was heated. Caruso-Cabrera, a former CNBC journalist, put forward the narrative that Ocasio-Cortez did little to help her constituents—and was too focused on being in the national spotlight.
“AOC is MIA,” Caruso-Cabrera would say, adding that the incumbent worked against party leaders such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Michelle Caruso Cabrera (Photo: michellecc2020.com)
Ocasio-Cortez, as well as Khan, argued that Caruso-Cabrera was not a true Democrat, noting that she was a former Republican and her campaign was funded by Wall Street and big business.
The 14th Congressional district covers the neighborhoods of Astoria, Sunnyside, Woodside, Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, East Elmhurst, Corona, College Point and portions of the eastern section of The Bronx.
You need to register as a Democrat in order to vote for the lesser evil in the Primary and out vote a candidate like AOC, for example. Then you vote for the BEST candidate in the General Election. A moderate? a Republican? Someone other than a candidate with a radical agenda, of course.
I love how people are complaining about 20,000 jobs lost despite them never beginning in the first place. The vast majority of the 20,000 jobs would’ve gone to people moving into the city with Amazon (not current residents). Rents would skyrocket and you’d begin to complain despite it being a crisis of your own making. And just when you want help guess what? you won’t get it because Amazon would not be paying any taxes. I get being anti-government but being pro-large corporation as a response to that is idiotic. Government is in theory held accountable to the citizens. Amazon would only be held accountable to its majority shareholders.
As far as de-funding the police is concerned: they have an astronomical budget including military grade equipment despite the fact that violent crime has been on the decline for quite a few years now. Not just that, but violent crime is such a small portion of what NYPD does. That money would be better utilized in infrastructure, healthcare, and creating clean energy jobs.
This year New York city has lost $9 billion in tax revenue. I read yesterday that De Blasio may need to lay off +20,000 city workers. This is on top of record unemployment numbers
Many of NYC’s highest earners are fleeing the city with the shift to work-from-home
Like it or not, Amazon is one of the most successful global companies and the pandemic has made their business model even stronger
They were going to get tax breaks, but the 20,000 high-paying jobs would have a multiplier effect on the local economy as all those workers would spend that money locally. That includes local restaurants and businesses that depend on local people having jobs and spending money
Things are going to get really tough. But your rent will be cheaper, so I guess you’re happy
You want immigrants to move into NYC but not the kind of people who already have a high paying job at Amazon. Let me guess… You are progressive, right??
To the commenter who asked that I ‘turn off the TV’, can you please give me data of how many jobs Amazon created since AOC’s and Gianaris’ campaign against Amazon relative to the +20,000 jobs that were on the table? Hard facts please. My guess is a very small fraction. Thank you
The calls for defunding the police are completely idiotic. The cop who did what he did with Floyd was obviously criminal and a very bad cop but most cops are not like this at all. Systemic racism. Systemic take no individual responsibility and blame another. That’s what’s systemic in this country. And then the other cop is dealing with someone resisting arrest, is assaulted, has weapon taken from him (which was considered deadly earlier) and then shoots the guy and he is the bad guy? We’ve gone completely insane.
And now calls to defund the police – which is more stupidity. If you do that, with all the unrest, the continuing pandemic and spiraling unemployment, you are going to have incredibly high rates of crime. And with a defunded police.. do you really think they are going to care? Big cities will become unlivable and destroyed. Which is probably going to happen anyway just must faster with liberal left stupidity.
I voted in person but could only vote against Ginarsis. If able I would have voted against her but was not on my ballot. It’s sad how on the one side we have the incompetent nutjob as Potus who if he would have not politicized the pandemic early on and dealt with it like any other president in history would have we could be in so much better shape and then the insane left on the other side who wants to rewrite history and blame all ills on everyone but themselves. It seems we are truly doomed. At this point protect your health because this world and country are going in a very dangerous direction. Forget about the pandemic and continuing surges.. forget about the unrest.. the economic damage alone is going to bring great ruin and suffering. The rest is just extra torture.
Funny because AOC is far more likely to advocate for New Deal style economic relief than other democrats. But hey if you want your nancy pelosi-means tested “solutions” I’m sure a one time $1200 check after the pandemic will do great compared to a $1000 or $2000 per month check.
AOC can advocate for all the handouts she wants, but if she keeps driving away companies and high-earners, there will be nothing left for her to re-distribute
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera was on the ballot running against AOC.
Since our vote doesn’t count in NY unless we are a Democrat, we all need to register as a Democrat in order to VOTE IN THE PRIMARY against the dangerous candidates like her and Gianaris who don’t have our best interests in mind. This happened because the majority of people did not turn out to vote. It is a simple concept that we couldn’t even get right because the majority of people either do not register or do not turn out to vote in the Primary. You get what you pay for, right? This is all of our responsibility.
The candidates running in the primaries were either leftist democrats or plain socialists. Both horrible choices. Vote in the general election for others that don’t have a radical agenda.
Saddest news I received today. We have unprecedented unemployment levels in Queens right now, and she drove away 20,000 jobs. Can’t believe people voted for more of this
Well said
She didn’t. Union workers did. They handed together to protest amazon. It’s not hard to find that out. Ask any union worker. The deal was robbing us in the long term. And guess what amazon still opened up a bunch of hqs here in queens and manhattan. Read a little, turn off the tv
Do you have data of how many jobs Amazon created since AOC’s and Gianaris’ campaign relative to the +20,000 jobs that were on the table? Hard facts please. My guess is a very small fraction. 20,000 jobs would have transformed Queens. Thank you
Amazon doesn’t have headquarters in Queens, they have distribution centers in Queens.The 25,oo0 jobs were corporate jobs, the warehouse jobs are hourly rate. Any job is better than no job.
Right. So, Is this enough to get Queens folks to vote Republican and ACTUALLY TURN OUT TO VOTE? That is our ONLY HOPE and ACTION. We have to actually do it, or leave our fate up to the AOC people who are turning out in greater numbers than us.