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Alternate Side Parking Fines Increasing to $65 Citywide Starting Feb. 20

ASP fines increase to $65 citywide starting Feb. 20

Feb. 19. 2020 By Kristen Torres

The city is hiking the fine for alternate side parking violations starting tomorrow, according to the Department of Sanitation.

Fines for violators–who fail to move their vehicle to make way for street cleaning–will increase to $65 starting on Feb. 20 in all five boroughs.

Currently, drivers who receive tickets for ASP violations in the outer boroughs pay $45, with the fine only being $65 for those ticketed in Manhattan on or below 96th St.

The Department of Sanitation made an announcement on Twitter last month that the fine would be $65 citywide.

“Residents are our partners in keeping the city healthy, safe and clean,” the DOT said in a Tweet.

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With the plastic bag ban and no free alternative to replace it other than carrying your goods in your hands or purchasing you’re own reusable bags more garbage will be on the streets for the truck street sweepers to clean up. People will resort to free supermarket deliveries with the cardboard boxes which then be tossed on the streets. The increase in local deliveries will also increase local traffic unless markets start charging a fee no matter how much you spend. I can imagine the amount of people trying to carry their goods without bags either looking for parking or holding it their hands and making a mess.


Councilman Constantinides funded $299K to the Association of Community Employment Programs for the Homeless (ACE) to help them assist with sidewalk sweeping services throughout Astoria. Hopefully this raise in fines will help hire more workers to sweep up the mess from sidewalks and streets the Sanitation workers leave behind in the areas where city trash cans and business are located and “sweepers” not currently stationed. The streets and trash cans that are monitored with plastic bags and workers are working to keep Astoria cleaner however the ones that are not are full of dog waste and trash that gets thrown onto the floor.


How about the Sanitation Dept. properly handles garbage pick up so that the trash does not get dumped all over the street. Then there would be less to sweep up on alternate side parking days. Same goes for the way they handle the cities trash baskets in Astoria. Most sanitation workers zoom by them for pick up and a lot of it gets thrown onto the sidewalk and then they fine home owners for dirty sidewalk areas caused by their own department. Trying fighting the fine in court and you will lose!


Thier agents will be quick to ticket regular citizens… However when someone has a nypd, FDNY, or mta placard, they ignore it right away and move onto ticket the hard working citizen lmao

Louis Bauso

Wow. So what else is new. No surprise the parking violation fines increase by 20 bucks. Again, take it out on the drives of NYC. If they would only put the CASH collected to good use instead of squandering it and paying city offical salaries. Remember OTB… where did all that billions of mismanaged money go to. Was supposed to fund education. The city treasury should be compared to mafia…….


How about double, no……. TRIPLE the fine for double parking( especially tracks!) and bicyclist, e-bikelists that ignore red lights and ride on pedestrian walks???


What about all the garbage that collects around those citibike racks? I have pictures but I can’t post here. Months of garbage that collects there. How come we have to move out car and this doesn’t get cleaned. I call all the time. Also I have videos of sanitation workers barreling down the block in those sweepers 3 ft from the curb.

Stephen Halpin

They keep building on every inch, with no parking spaces, it’s another reason I left the Bronx, and the sweeper only pushes the garbage around doesn’t clean anything, the city will nickel and dime you to death, thanks for reminding me how much I hate the City


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