Tag: nyc-dot

Borough President and civic leaders demand action on overgrown medians and littered streets, propose new legislation


Aug. 20, 2024 By Athena Dawson Overgrown medians and trash-strewn streets across Queens are raising quality-of-life concerns among residents throughout the borough. Queens Borough President Donovan Richards held a press conference on Tuesday, Aug. 13, urging city agencies to address the neglected medians throughout the borough. Standing in front of an overgrown median at…

New protected bike lanes likely coming to Astoria this year: DOT

June 3, 2024 By Iryna Shkurhan At a community meeting in Astoria on Thursday, dozens of locals erupted in applause after the Department of Transportation (DOT) outlined its proposed changes to a major chunk of 31st Avenue.  The biggest potential change is an approximately mile-long stretch of parking-protected bike lanes. Converting the corridor to a… Read more »