Category: Uncategorized

DOT to Add 10,000 Bike Parking Racks Throughout City by 2022

Feb. 3, 2021 By Allie Griffin The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) has pledged to install 10,000 bike parking racks throughout the city by the end of 2022. The promise was made today by new DOT Commissioner Henry ‘Hank’ Gutman — whose appointment was also announced today by Mayor Bill de Blasio. Gutman… Read more »

Tires Slashed By Astoria Park Last Week, Likely Trend

Feb. 3, 2021 By Christina Santucci At least two people had their car tires slashed near Astoria Park last week. The incidents by Astoria Park appear to be part of a pattern, with a tow truck driver who picked up the vehicles last week saying it is part of an ongoing problem. Eli Barreto, with… Read more »

State Lawmakers Repeal ‘Walking While Trans’ Ban

Feb. 3. 2021 By Michael Dorgan New York state lawmakers have repealed legislation that critics say has been used by police to target transgender people in the name of curbing illegal prostitution. Lawmakers passed a bill Tuesday that repealed section 240.37 of the penal code which is commonly referred to as the “Walking While Trans”… Read more »

Astoria Cat Rescuer Raises $1,350 Selling Bernie Sanders Doll

Feb. 2, 2021 By Christina Santucci An Astoria cat rescuer raised more than $1,000 by raffling off a crocheted Bernie Sanders doll — with a cat and a throne added to his iconic inauguration outfit. Alexia Vullis said when she saw memes of Sanders go viral, she asked her mother, Judith, to whip up a… Read more »

Cuomo: NYC Can Now Add Restaurant Workers, Taxi Drivers to Vaccine Eligibility

Feb. 2, 2021 By Allie Griffin Restaurant workers, cab drivers and the developmentally disabled may soon be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday that local governments are now permitted to add the three groups to the list of people currently eligible for the shot. His announcement was a reversal from… Read more »

Teachers Union Endorses Richards for Borough President

Feb. 2, 2021 By Allie Griffin Queens Borough President Donovan Richards earned the backing of a major labor union Monday as he hopes to hold onto the seat. Richards, who won a special election in November to serve until the end of 2021, was endorsed by the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) for reelection as… Read more »