Author: admin

Check out the Expected Timeline for Election Results

June 22, 2021 By Christina Santucci Voters can expect to find out some initial vote tallies from today’s Primary Election following the close of the polls – but election officials estimate that the final results will not be certified until mid July. The Board of Elections (BOE) plans to release preliminary, unofficial results of in-person… Read more »

State Legislature Passes ‘SLEEP Act’ to Curb Souped-Up Vehicles

June 22, 2021 By Ryan Songalia State lawmakers have taken a big step to rid the streets of souped-up vehicles that have been keeping residents awake at night. A bill, called the Stop Loud and Excessive Exhaust Pollution (SLEEP) Act, passed both the Assembly and senate on June 10 and awaits the signature of the… Read more »

Queens Congressmembers Back Amendment Requiring Public Companies to Disclose Racial and Gender Composition of Their Board

June 21, 2021 By Ryan Songalia A legislative package that would require public companies to disclose social, environmental and governance metrics to investors passed the U.S. House of Representatives last Wednesday. The Corporate Governance Improvement and Investor Protection Act passed along partisan lines – 215 to 214 – although four Democrats voted in opposition to… Read more »

Elizabeth Crowley and Andrew Yang Cross Endorse at Bayside Event Friday

June 21, 2021 By Christina Santucci Andrew Yang and former Councilmember Elizabeth Crowley announced last week that they are supporting one another’s respective campaigns for mayor and Queens borough president. The candidates held an event in Bayside to cross endorse each other Friday – with supporters including the firefighters union. “Together, we’ll deliver for Queens… Read more »

Queens Residents Take Advantage of Early Voting in Modest Numbers

June 21, 2021 By Christina Santucci More than 35,000 Queens residents cast their ballots during the past nine days of Early Voting for the Primary Election, the city’s Board of Elections said Sunday night. Early Voters in Queens made up about 18.5 percent of the total 191,197 people citywide, according to unofficial and cumulative counts… Read more »

Op-Ed: Rank Prochoice Candidates on Your Ballot

June 17, 2021 Op-Ed By: Heidi L. Sieck As New York City voters begin voting early, filling out and mailing in their absentee ballots, or heading to the polls in person on Election Day, New Yorkers will be voting like we have never done before. This is the first election where New York City voters… Read more »

Op-Ed: Our Elected Officials Couldn’t Manage a Lemonade Stand

June 17, 2021 Op-Ed By John J. Ciafone You don’t have to have an Economics Degree to understand the common sense principle that you can’t spend more money than you have. Little children learn this first hand, by saving as much as they can for the future. Children also know that you can’t spend more… Read more »